Tuesday, October 16, 2007

October Updates

Wow, it's so hard to keep up to date here! I have to make more of an effort. So what's new with me.....?? Well, a few weeks ago I got a layout accepted into the Basic Grey gallery. That was a first for me, so I was pretty excited. You can check it out here:


October is my month as Guest Design Team member at Savvy N Sassy, so I got to do a lot of creating!! This is the beautiful ribbon kit I received:


These are my first 4 creations with the ribbon kit. I absolutely LOVE the huge ric rac, and black is great for almost anything. I just noticed I used it on all of my projects :)
I am hoping to get more done next weekend. We have been busy painting our house and I can't wait til we're done!!

Here is my challenge for this month on Savvy N Sassy:


And if you want to be a Monthly Guest Design Team member at Savvy N Sassy and receive your own ribbon kit, here is this month's contest:


That is all my updates for now. I'll have to come back and post a few more layouts when I have time. I have been creating like mad lately!!