Thursday, August 20, 2009

Flipflop Mini Album

After the fun filled Snap Shots of Summer photo challenge on Art Freckles, the design team each had a mini book tutorial to come up with for their pics. Thanks to Karla Gordon for her great idea, here is mine!
I used a cheap pair of flipflops from the Dollar Store for my cover.
I traced one onto a piece of cardstock for a template.
I used a 12x12 sheet of cardstock and traced my template onto one edge of it. Then I folded it with a little overlap, traced another flipflop, folded again and traced again, then cut them out.
I made a second cardstock folded piece the same as the first. I adhered the end flipflop from one sheet to the beginning flipflop on the second sheet to make a long string of 5 flipflops which made my book 8 pages.I embellished both sides of my minialbum, leaving a flip flop at the end of each side blank for the covers to attach. Plan it out carefully beforehand so it will fold the way you want and the front flipflop will be the front cover and same with the back. I put X's on the 2 flipflops so I wouldn't accidentally embellish them.

For the back flipflop I cut off the strap so it would be flat. For the front flipflop I attached a chipboard sticker for my title and tied ribbon around the strap. Then I adhered the album to the covers and voila!
The rest of the design team's minialbums will be posted here over the next few days.

1 comment:

Karla said...

Awww thanks did a fantastic job with it! WTG!